Revit & Navisworks - How to Create a VBIS Compatible 3D Model - Updated for Revit 2022
How to Create a VBIS Compatible 3D Model
About VBIS
Application of VBIS within Revit
Overview of Revit Workflow
Add Project Parameters
About VBIS
VBIS is the business set-up to develop and promote the application and acceptance of the VBIS Syntax and Asset Object Classification Codes as part of the Victorian government’s Future Industries Fund.
Key aspects of VBIS are:
It is an asset classification structure designed to suit searching asset databases and associated documentation repositories
It includes a standard URL instruction set to imbed into 3D models and other online systems such as FM service systems to communicate with other online repositories
It is public domain
ISO12006-2:2015 compliant
Provides mapping to Uniclass and Omniclass. It co-exists in effect providing the implementation of all three systems.
The asset classification structure was designed with three purposes in mind:
To provide the basis of a standardised naming convention for equipment – this is via the BIM-MEPAUS initiative
To provide the basis of a standard tagging convention for assets to facilitate analytics search
To suit how assets are classified for FM use
VBIS had the advantage of the opportunity to assess the requirements from an FM perspective together with access to extensive project and service asset records covering the full range of building services and to categorise equipment accordingly.
Application of VBIS within Revit
Revit is currently accepted as the primary model authoring tool for building services in Australia, and therefore considered a key platform required to achieve VBIS outcomes.
The following describes the process of adding the required data to Revit models to enable the linking of 3D objects from a 3D viewer to a search function within an online Operations and Maintenance platform.
This practice note uses various VBIS specific terminology. To understand context, refer the table below.
Primary VBIS URL
Used as part of the URL instruction set. For more details refer Practice Note 2 – VBIS & Uniclass.
Abbreviated equipment type code.
Object VBIS Description
Full description of modelled object type. Reference only. Not used with VBIS URL creation.
E.g. Mechanical, Air Handling Unit, Supply
Used as part of the URL instruction set. For more details refer Practice Note 2 – VBIS & Uniclass
Before you start you will need:
Access to Revit (version 2018+. Instructions below are based on Revit 2022) with BIM Interoperability Tools installed.
Database file (XLSX) to apply valid VBIS code parameters.
Access to Navisworks Manage (version 2018+) to create NWD.
Access to Navisworks Freedom (version 2018+) to view NWD.
Download links:
BIM Interoperability Tool
VBIS Classifications Database
Navisworks Freedom
Overview of Revit Workflow
1. Model all equipment ready for application of VBIS codes.
2. Add 2 x Shared Parameters to target objects (to host VBIS code data)
3. Add VBIS values to parameters (via BIM Interoperability Tools)
4. Add Object VBIS code to Primary VBIS URL, creating an Object VBIS URL, and apply to permanent URL parameter.
5. Export model to Navisworks file, used to access object hosted URLs
Add Shared Parameters
Shared parameters are parameter definitions that can be used in multiple families or projects. Shared parameter definitions are stored in a file independent of any family file or Revit project; this allows you to access the file from different families or projects.
As such, the use of Shared Parameters process is a two-part process:
1. Create a VBIS Shared Parameter (TXT) file.
2. Apply the Shared Parameters to model elements.
Create a Shared Parameter (TXT) file:
Within Revit select the Manage tab, then Shared Parameters:
Select ‘Create’
Suggest naming the file VBIS.txt
Create a new Group – “BIM Classification”
Add the two parameters:
Note that the parameter names are case sensitive.
Discipline: Common
Type of parameter: Text
Apply the Shared Parameters to model elements
Open Project Parameters
Select Add
Select the Shared Parameter radio-button, and select the VBIS.Code parameter.
Change the Group parameter under option to ‘Identity Data’.
Select the Values can vary by group instance radio-button.
Apply to the required model elements using the Filter list and check boxes.
Repeat for the VBIS.Description parameter.
Select an object with the Project Parameters applied to check they are now available.
BIM Interoperability Tools
This tool is used to apply the VBIS code and VBIS description to the two new project parameters. Therefore the two project parameters outlined above need to be in place prior.
The tool is free from Autodesk. Refer the Introductory section for a download link.
The tool can access public databases to apply various standard classification values. E.g. UK Database (Uniclass), US Database (OmniClass). A separate VBIS database is available to apply the required codes to the VBIS project parameters. Link to download VBIS database provided in Introductory section.
With the Project Parameters now in place, you can now apply the specific VBIS codes using the Autodesk BIM Interoperability Tools extension. Download the Revit version specific extension from your Autodesk Account or the Autodesk Desktop App, and install.
VBIS codes are available for BIM Interoperability Tools use. Download the latest XLSX from , and save the file to a central location.
Once the BIM Interoperability Tools are installed, you will need to add a Path to the VBIS XLSX file.
Select the BIM Interoperability Tools tab, and select Assign Picklist
From the Picklists option, select Add Path
Navigate to the path where you saved the VBIS XLSX file and select it.
Then use the Picklist to select the VBIS Classification XLSX file.
The database will now display in your Picklist. Click here to load.
To assign VBIS codes to objects, first select the object(s) in question.
Then select Assign Classification from the BIM Interoperability Tools tab.
Select the desired Discipline from the Discipline drop-down
Use the Search to find suitable codes
Choose the required code and select Assign.
The Properties palette will now display the VBIS codes for the object(s).
Finalise the URL Parameter
Once the VBIS codes have been applied for all equipment, the next task is to create a new URL based parameter made up of:
Project VBIS URL
Object VBIS code
These two elements are concatenated to create the final URL instruction used for online searching.
To do this, create a separate Revit schedule which contains all the equipment to have a VBIS URL applied to it. Ensure it has fields which include the entered VBIS code, plus the blank URL parameter.
Utilising a spreadsheet linking app (like BIM Link), push the schedule to Excel where you can manually concatenate the Project VBIS URL with the Object VBIS code, to create the final Object VBIS URL.
Note: Exported spreadsheets from Revit may contain protected columns to prevent accidental data change. Select File > Info > Unprotect.
Excel cell formula:
(Where: E3 = cell containing Object VBIS code)
Import the completed spreadsheet back into the Revit equipment schedule so the VBIS URL parameter is now complete.
To ensure the new VBIS URL operates correctly, it is important to remove all other URL instances. Many Revit Families are created with pre-defined URLs. E.g. . These non-VBIS URLs must be removed from object parameters. This can be achieved easily within a schedule.
One of the easiest and cheapest ways to access and view a 3D model is through the use of Navisworks Freedom.
Once the Revit model with URL codes is in place, you can then export a NWC (Navisworks cache) file of a view which includes the URL hosted objects.
Using the Navisworks Manage application you can open the NWC, and export to a standalone NWD (Navisworks Document) file. The resulting NWD file can then be distributed freely and opened by the free application, Navisworks Freedom.
Export NWC
Within Revit, select a view which contains all the required objects (with the object VBIS URL applied) you wish to create the 3D model.
File > Export > NWC
If you have access to other discipline NWC files, then these can be used in the next step.
Publish NWD
Within Navisworks Manage, Append other discipline NWC files into a single federated file set (NWF file).
Test and Edit URL links
Check the URL links are working correctly. Turn on the LINKS option from the Home tab.
A Revit link icon will appear in the centre of each of the objects which contain the VBIS URL.
Select it to ensure the URL instruction works as expected.
By default, the Name of all URLs is ‘Revit’. Hovering the mouse over an icon will reveal the name.
To change the name, right click the URL icon, and select edit. Select the link, and then Edit to change the Link Name.
Create Viewpoints
Viewpoints are useful to allow an end-user to easily navigate around a complex 3D model.
There are many options within Navisworks to create meaningful viewpoints, so we recommend engaging a skilled Navisworks operator to create the required viewpoints to support easy model navigation.
All saved viewpoints will be available in the published NWD. Deleting non-relevant viewpoints at this time is recommended. Removing other non-relevant information like saved Clash tests would also be appropriate.
Once all the above is in place, select Publish from the Home menu, and fill in the required Publish options.
Create the NWD file for distribution and access via the Navisworks Freedom application.