
Developed with the backing of the Victorian Government and included in the Victorian Digital Asset Strategy and Queensland Government Data and Information Guideline, Virtual Buildings Information System (VBIS) provides for the classification and connecting of asset data located in disparate systems.

Example of data in three disparate systems linked together with VBIS. The user can locate the asset via a virtual walkthrough to then click and locate documents in the document management system and data within the BIM model.


Freely Available

VBIS Classification Structure and Tags are freely available. The classification structure in combination with the Search Syntax makes up the standard that seeks to address both information handover from new construction projects to facility and asset managers and facilitate linking of data in disparate systems within the existing built environment to provide a whole of life view of the assets.

The data includes information such as operating and maintenance procedures, technical data sheets, schedules of equipment, briefs, specifications, reports, commissioning, warranty information and real-time performance data.

VBIS provides facilities and asset managers a consistent way to search, display, compare and interrogate key asset and maintenance information.

This approach makes it possible to integrate and compare information from a range of applications, including digital engineering, BIM, FM systems and Document systems.