VBIS partners with Aurelian Water to deliver a unified asset classification system for water and wastewater assets — VBIS for Water asset tags
About Aurelian Water:
Aurelian Water has been supporting the water and wastewater industry since 2018 with:
project management support for client-side projects
commissioning and operations
maintenance support
quality and environmental compliance
asset and maintenance management including asset data capture, audit and handover support.
Aurelian Water assists clients with building, optimising and realising value from their asset data by ensuring a strategic approach to the development, capture and management of asset information. Its team works with designers, builders, operators and maintainers of water infrastructure to ensure a consistency of asset knowledge is applied across the full lifecycle of the asset.
Aurelian Water has developed its methodology based upon the fundamentals of ISO 19650 and incorporates the requirements of ISO 55000 to assist infrastructure operators to build an Asset Information Model that will enable its business to realise value from its asset knowledge and achieve its organisational goals. Starting with the strategic approach of the Organisational Information Requirements (OIR), driving the development of the Asset Information Requirements (AIR) and building the basis for information exchange requirements (EIR), the result is the outline of a comprehensive Asset Information Model (AIM) that, when populated, provides a direct line of sight to an organisation’s goals and objectives.
To learn more about Aurelian Water and this key project, contact Daniel Haworth, Technical Director at daniel.haworth@aurelianadvisory.com.au or visit www.aurelianwater.com.au
As a Virtual Buildings Information System (VBIS) Enabled service provider, Aurelian Water combines years of experience in uplifting asset knowledge in the water industry with an open-standard, system-agnostic data classification system to deliver more value from asset data and information.
Asset knowledge and data management in the water and wastewater industry have been continual challenges, increasing due to expansive geographical regions, differing technologies, bespoke water languages and different uses of asset information.
With the adoption of digital engineering, Common Data Environment (CDE) requirements, Internet of Things (IOT) and BIM, the ability to provide well-structured data to support these advances is now more important than ever.
“The VBIS Standard promotes a unified approach to asset classification in the water and wastewater industry that will act as a simple and effective means of connecting asset data in disparate systems. If you create, manage or rely on asset data for decision making in the operation and maintenance of water and wastewater infrastructure, then the VBIS Standard should form part of your Asset Information Model.”
By applying the VBIS Standard we gain a greater ability to classify, tag and recall asset information with more granularity and uniformity.
The VBIS Standard will provide a unified way to search, discover, display, compare and report on assets, compliance status and maintenance history, while comparing and benchmarking assets between systems, business units, locations, regions, processes and even authorities.
VBIS for Water will promote consistency and ease of access to information across the entire asset lifecycle by:
facilitating consistency of asset classification at the project planning and design stage
driving standardisation in acquisition and procurement information requirements
aligning operation and maintenance decisions across asset classes, facilities, business units or even organisations
ensuring information for disposal and replacement of assets is available and easily determined.
VBIS for Water will deliver a method to:
build on Asset Information Requirements (AIR) of the water industry
facilitate a standardised approach to asset information exchange requirements (EIR)
support the development of project information requirements (PIR) for efficient delivery and management of capital investment information.
By incorporating the VBIS Standard into locating and linking asset related data, our industry can now rely on a common data structure for enabling interoperability within systems, sites and businesses.
It can assist in data-sharing requirements across our industry, underpin the differing technologies utilised across the sector and assist in ensuring our asset knowledge and data remain accurate, precise, complete and consistent.
“Our partnership with Aurelian Water will promote a consistent approach to the classification of assets across the water and wastewater industry. The VBIS Standard will give owners, designers, consultants, operators and maintainers a single classification that can be applied across any asset class.”
Reach out to info@vbis.com.au to find out more about how you can become a VBIS Enabled Partner